Cultivate a Culture of Health

Meeting your organization's performance benchmarks, combined with motivating your workforce to set and meet their personal goals, produces a cultural powerhouse that accelerates health both professionally and personally. 

mature doctor shaking hands with black male patient crop diverse office team smiling laughing together crop smiling black female in O-R scrubs with two females wearing lab coats in background crop

Build a collaborative, trusting environment Healthy workplace culture is not only within reach, it’s right at your fingertips.

Our ManageWell platform begins with a proprietary Health Assessment developed by the health experts at Mayo Clinic. The assessment identifies each participant’s perceptions, health risks, and readiness to change.

With this information, participants are provided a plan to take control of their own health. They develop ownership and confidence in their wellness journeys, which encourages and sustains further growth.

Free eBook

Laying a Firm Foundation for your Employee Wellness Program

The process of creating a healthy and vibrant organizational culture is similar to building a house from scratch. It doesn't start with the final touches; instead, it requires a solid foundation.

Building that solid foundation is absolutely vital, but the question remains: how can you successfully accomplish it and produce results?

Read the eBook

Great well-being programming doesn’t just happen.

A Culture of Health: Rooted in Wellness

Your organization’s wellness depends on a healthy workforce. Your employees depend on you to promote a Culture of Health. Here’s how you do it.


A culture of health offers reliable programming so employees are empowered to transform their lives.


A culture of health meets real people where they are and provides relevant, healthy solutions. 


A culture of health harnesses Mayo Clinic research to provide a scientifically-proven path to wellness. 


A culture of health adapts to both organizational goals and participants’ progress over time. 


A culture of health engages everyone by creating shared responsibility and ownership.

“The health assessment sets in motion the behavior change process that is a key driver of risk reduction and cost savings for individuals and organizations.”



Transform your organization’s culture through wellness

Corporations | Health Systems | Brokers

Connection is a significant element of intrinsic motivation. ManageWell™ social connections increase participation rates, inclusion, and employee engagement.

Resources for inspiring a
Culture of Health

True wellness is a journey that builds whole-self health improvements. By
developing intrinsic motivations, Wellvation cultivates an innate sense of
ownership that leaves no one in your organization behind.
Insurance Claims Data Integration Drive Preventative Care

A Wellvation client, a large regional healthcare system had historically had low employee utilization of preventative care services in their employers sponsored health benefits.

Enable Great Leadership

Leadership determines the strength of workforce health cultures. This is why Wellvation focuses on giving leaders both the business intelligence and tools to increase their influence.

ManageWell’s Analytics Platform Answers Wellness Questions

Are we providing the right resources? Is employee health improving? What’s the impact to the organization?